Photography. I’ve been working with both photo and video for a long time. I started shooting pictures when I was a kid in the 1980s, and began with a small Minolta. Those were the days when EVERYTHING was manual, and either you guesstimated your settings or you used a light meter each time the light changed. With college and work on Wall Street in New York, I had to take a break, but I picked up photography again in the 1990s – still the film only days. In 2003 I bought my first digital camera, one of the first Canon EOS cameras. And I’ve been shooting constantly since, upgrading cameras and learning the ins and outs of lightroom and photoshop.
Film / Video. I bought my first camcorder in the 1990s, when only tape was available. In 2005, I took the dive into the Panasonic HVX200, the leading camera of the day, which was both tape and digital, and had film quality capabilities. In fact, I’ve shot theatrical short films on that camera, and still use it today. I made it a mission to learn film-making, and shot commercials, PSAs, corporate videos and short films, learning the whole process from beginning to end. For most of my projects, I was heavily involved in writing, and I directed, shot, and edited most of them. It has been a great education.
Learning on Film Sets. I went into acting in the mid-1990s, and that offered a fantastic opportunity – every time I was on set, I would stand behind the monitor and watch. Not only did I learn a great deal about acting, but between shots, I would ask the DP (director of photography) about lighting, and why he made the choices he did. On top of that, I would also listen as directors at their monitors talked about the choices they were making. Nothing like learning in the field.
Portfolio Links. To see more of my photographic work, or to find more information about rates and booking, you can click below:
- Photo Portfolio
- Travel Portfolio
- Film and video portfolio – please click on the “Directing” tab in the menu.